出版:《罕見的東方地毯》第一冊,SH.Sameyeh著,第146頁,圖版100,SH.SAMEYEH PTE LTD,德國,1982年。
Origin: Kashan, Central Persia
Age: circa 1910
Medium: Silk, Metal thread
Illustrated: Exceptional Oriental Carpets Catalogue No.1, SH.SAMEYEH PTE LTD, Germany, 1982, p.146, pl.100.
Size: 202×133cm
Description: 1,210,000 knots per square meter, 100% natural vegetable colours, some tear in the centre and border area; otherwise in perfect condition.
RMB: 150,000-180,000
The pattern is knotted in silk against a woven light blue silk field and woven pale rose-pink border ground. Kashans of this group are very highly valued on today's market, particularly when displaying the extremely fine quality both of knotting and weaving found here, and with the rich contrasts and precise clarity of ornament that give this piece its compelling visual character. The intense luminosity of the midnight-blue in the medallion is rarely seen in combination with silk (with its resistance to saturated dye penetration), associated more with wool Mohtaschems and some Sarouk and Malayer rugs. An intricate red and beige arabesque configuration outlines the main lozenge against the light-blue flat-woven field, which is covered with a flower-and leaf stem-lattice of conventional Kashan conception, yet here given dramatic emphasis by its raised-silk, "relief" structure, and the vitality of its dye shades, which produce different chromatic effects whenever the direction of view is altered. The blue-black corner spandrels each contain a crisply-detailed ornamental palmetto, its interior in woven pale blue, against which all subsidiary decoration is piled. Graceful roseate and both palmettos of great internal complexity are piled in a perfectly-organized border composition (witness the fluent corner solutions) against the roseate pink flat-weave ground. Six guard stripes and chequered lines give increased prominence to the spare design and striking colour of the border, while silk end fringes dyed in red and blue add a final flourish to this tour-de-force of weaving art. This excellent collectable item has to be fixed in a frame and hanged on the wall.