尺寸:280×177 cm
Origin: Tabriz, North West Persia
Age: circa 1950
Medium: Wool, Cotton
Size: 280×177 cm
RMB: 80,000-120,000
這張來自私人收藏的畫毯在設計、構圖和色彩上都充滿了藝術性,并具有一定的歷史價值。畫面中心描繪了馬赫穆德國王在王宮中款待著名詩人菲爾德斯的愉快場景。國王端坐于華麗的寶座,置身于花鳥錦簇的庭院之中,菲爾德斯手持詩稿,準備呈現于國王?;适屹F族及后宮佳麗們環繞于四周,神態悠閑自得。畫面四角描繪了伊朗的建筑杰作,從左上角順時針依次為著名的藍色清真寺,伊斯法罕的霍梅尼清真寺,蘇坦尼葉的奧勒哲圖陵墓,博特耶的Toghrol 塔。
菲爾德斯(940~1020?)是波斯文學史上的一位杰出詩人。公元975年, 菲爾德斯開始創作《王書》,歷經35年,終于在1015年完成了這部煌煌巨著。《王書》不僅扼要介紹了波斯歷史上50個帝王公侯的生平事跡,還搜集了4000多年間流傳在民間的神話、歷史故事。它是古代波斯民間文學的總匯,承前啟后,對后來的阿拉伯文學、土耳其文學、亞美尼亞和格魯吉亞的文學都產生過明顯的影響。
Tabriz, capital of the north western Iranian province of Azerbaijan, has for centuries enjoyed a great reputation as a centre of Oriental culture. The vicissitudes of its history, its development from a naturally favoured oasis at the foot of the volcano Sahand, to today's commercial centre, and descriptions of its artists and craftsmen could fill many volumes. The tradition that Tabriz was founded in the 8th century by the wife of Harun al-Raschid, will not bear historical scrutiny. The origins of the town stretch far back into antiquity.
Pictorial carpets form a special category and stem from different Persian weaving centers. In design, construction and composition, as well as in palette and in artistic expression, this piece from a private collection is amongst the most significant pictorial carpets. The colorful illustration in the centre of the field depicts the famous poet Ferdousi entertaining the King Anoushiravan Adel at the king's palace. The four illustrations at the four corners of the carpet are famous places in Iran . This example is a historical piece and is for investment.